Odessa, TX


Odessa, Texas has been ranked the third fastest growing small city in the U.S. by Forbes. This is largely in part of the economy being driven by the oil industry; but is recently making great strides in the last decade to diversify it's major industries. Hoseworx Partnership Interational LLC has been proudly supplying Odessa, TX with oilfield supplies since 2009. Please call us today with any questions you may have about our products! 

Our Selection Includes:

Safe operations on an oilfield are critical; faulty equipment or mistakes in handling materials can lead to a dangerous situation. It’s vital to make sure that every component of the oilfield works perfectly; this starts with using the proper materials. At Hoseworx Partnership Interational LLC in Odessa, TX safety is out number one priority. We sell hoses, fittings, valves and other products made of the highest of quality. Contact us today to learn more about our industrial and chemical hoses, hammer unions and more for your Odessa, TX business. 

Products from Eagle Rubber, 4 Star Hose, Austin Hose, Bridgestar Horsepower & More...

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